Our Favorite Bouquet

Yes, even as florists, we have favorite weddings we work on and from the last 2 weeks, this bouquet as to be one of them. If you watched our "Hand Tied Bridal Bouquet Cost" video, then this bouquet will look familiar to you. Cream hydrangea, ranuculus along with two shades of peach roses (one a tea rose and the other a garden variety) accented with peach hypericum berries. The reason we loved it was not only for the color but for the wonderful texture the flowers had. Peach has become a very popular color theme and this bouquet really shows why! What are your thoughts? Do you like the color theme and texture of this bouquet? Update! The bride has sent us photos so now you can see how they looked on the day of! We loved the coral color with the blue dresses and the Maid of Honor with her touches of blue with her coral colored dress. ? And of course, the brides bouquet was stunning with her gown looking soft and romantic, don't you think? To see this an...