Do I Have to Order Flowers for Valentine's Day?

No, of course not, no one is forcing you to!! That being said we sincerely hope that you include flowers in your life as a gift giving option. Valentine's Day (or week, as we like to call it) is one of the busiest floral holidays of the year and rightly so. Few gifts are as emotional as flowers and few holidays are more personal than Valentine's Day! Perhaps the real beginning of flower giving as we know it today was in the Middle Ages, where flowers where given as tokens of affection by lovers. In a conservative society giving particular flowers in the flower delivery could act as a secret message from the giver to the recipient. Flower delivery was an early form of the text message, then, with perhaps a little more subtlety and a lot more beauty! Of course, red roses have always been viewed as the most romantic flowers to express love but with an endless assortment to choose from, the possibilities are endless! But as with all supply and demand, when the demand goes up, sup...