Flowers and Food

It's that time of year again and as has become the tradition, Shop Coordinator Sheryl has made my favorite sweet for us to share at the shop today! Email me at if you'd like the recipe but lets just say there is butter and chocolate involved so the yum factor is over the top! Thanks Sheryl, you make all the hard work during the holidays bearable! Design Manager Holly also had the idea to treat us to some sweets today and stopped into a brand new cupcake company near her home in Columbus to bring us these beauties. I haven't had one yet but the hubby said the chocolate/peanut butter one was delish. Yes, we are in the flower biz and the designers have been busy refilling the coolers as the shop has been a revolving door today of folks stopping in for Centerpieces and Floral Gifts. We are sufficiently sugared so the energy level at the shop is "high". We'd love for you stop in if you are in our area. Today is $5 Friday at ...