Tribute to Women Awards ~ Princeton YWCA 2013

Although we've provided corsages over the years for this inspiring event, this was the first year that I actually helped out by not only being on the Committee but was Co-Chair! What a great night it was! Here I am with past honorees Debbie Schaeffer and Denise Taylor. It was so nice to have them in the audience again this year. This is the first time the organization paired a raffle with the event and thanks to Hamilton Jewelers who donated a lovely pearl necklace. The ladies of the YWCA did a great job selling those raffle tickets and over $2,000 was raised! While the ladies shared cocktails in the lobby, my dear husband along with Designer Holly and Matt helped set up the 39 tables of centerpieces we donated the nights event! Kevin worked hard to light all those floating candles! The efforts were worth it and the guests loved the centerpieces . Another year that Monday Morning Flower and Balloon Co was happy to help ...