Drones for Same Day Delivery Needed? Insights by Kevin

Not here! Wow - in order to meet customer demand big box stores and mega online retail websites are offering same day, expedited delivery in big cities and, in the future, deliveries within an hour. We've even heard stories about futuristic drones flying over head and dropping off packages at our front door! Being in the floral delivery business my company should consider this type of exceptional service - oh wait, we already do! Yes, the floral industry has been offering same day, expedited delivery since the beginning, long before any of the "revolutionary" online retailers or the Internet even existed. In fact, florist have been delivering flowers within hours of the customer placing their order, long before most of the managers of the online company's were born - funny, but I'm serious. This special level of service has differentiated the floral industry from all other gift giving businesses for decades. ...