Even Florists Have Fun

Happy Monday! Can you believe we are just 1 week away from Christmas? The holiday season is a busy one for us here at the shop and in addition to a higher than usual volume, we still have all the usual tasks to squeeze in. We still have to design floral arrangements for birthdays , get well , sympathy, and even weddings . Toss in the fact that we too want to enjoy the holidays with family and friends and it makes for a super busy time for all of us! Designer Norman makes a huge Boxwood Tree for a customer. Don't you love all the pods and flowers? Makes such a sweet gift for the holidays. It's that time of year where not only do we decorate for parties, we try to attend a few too. This holiday event was held at the Rocky Hill Inn for a group I belong to called Coffee Talk. It's a group of us that get together to discuss Social Media and other Marketing Topics for Business. The hubby even took a little time to play Santa to some childr...