
Showing posts with the label favorite flowers

Kristin's Top Picks

There are so many awesome things at Monday Morning Flowers , I have a hard time narrowing it down.  My all-time favorite arrangements are almost always custom made.  Our designers are so creative and unique, their pieces always come out beautifully.  I have worked here at Monday Morning Flowers a little over a year, and I still can’t believe the finished products sometimes!  When I decided to give my top picks, I chose products from our website , which has so many gorgeous arrangements- it was of course, a challenge to decide.  Here are some of my favorite floral arrangements at Monday Morning Flowers.  In my opinion, the pictures don’t even do justice – these are all stunning in person and will please anyone from a floral expert to a floral novice. Lemon Martini Of course, I LOVE the container!  You can send this to the 21 year old or the 80 year old in your life and it is sure to be a hit.  We do a lot of different styles in margarit...

And the Winner Is....

If you follow along with our blog and our Facebook Pages, you may know that we have started having fun contests that pit our Designers (and Non-Designer Employees) against each other in a contest to find the most popular floral designs . Well, this time the winner was Kristin who is our Sales and Marketing Assistant at the shop. Her brightly colored cube arrangement was chosen the favorite by our Social Media Followers and now will be added to our website for the Thanksgiving holidays. Along with giving Kristin the kudos here at the shop, Meg Smith of Yardley Pa was the winner of free flowers ~ just for voting!  Look for our next contest to start soon which will be to "Name the Arrangement" for your chance to win Free Flowers ~ just like Meg did! 

Purple Lisianthus

Flowers like this make me dreamy. I can imagine rolling up between the petals and falling off to dreamland in a fluffy cloud as soft as heaven. Ah, but I can fly away from myself into the world of floral fantasy. How gorgeous is this deep purple lisianthus? A flower often confused with a rose, each long stem has multiple bloomed flowers and "yet to open" buds. The stem is rather narrow and weak but is surprising strong giving how much weight is positioned at the tippy top. With multiple blooms and buds, the stem tends to arch and drape rather than stand straight up, again, part of it's subtle beauty that says "take me as I am, I'm not perfect but I'm lovely. I'm not weak but resilient."  Yes, yes, I know, you are wondering, "what the heck is Georgianne on today" but truly, when I look at flowers as gorgeous as this one, it's how I talk to myself. Soft mind full whispers of joy bounce around my head reminding me of why I love flowers,...

Tulip Mania!!

Tulips! You have to love tulips! I know that I do and so do our customers judging from the amount of tulips we sell each spring. It's funny how this week I was thinking back to my trip to Holland about 8 years ago. I even brought in my photo album to share with the staff so they could see all the greenhouses, farms and florist shops we visited. It was so much fun to share the photos with the staff, even if they did make fun of Kevin's facial hair! :o) Of course, a trip to Holland is not complete with out a visit to the Aalsmeer Flower Auction. If you've never been, it's a must see if you love flowers! Look for my blog on that trip as soon as I get time to scan some of the photos. In the meantime, I thought you might enjoy pictures that someone just sent me of the tulip farms in Holland! Can you imagine flying over this beautiful land and seeing this rainbow of tulips? If you can't get to Holland anytime soon why not stop in our shop for some of these pretty f...