Fun with Before and After Photos

If you are in the process of planning an event , I'm going to take a guess and say that you probably feel both overwhelmed and over spent. We work with folks hosting events all the time and the common thread seems to be making choices and wondering if spending money on decor is worth it. Although, I'd be the last person to talk you into decorations you don't want, nor can afford, I truly believe that the decor services we provide really help events "feel and look" more special. Take the photo below of a recent prom. I'm sure without the decor the kids would still have a great time but doesn't the room on the right look much more festive? I think the point becomes what can you afford to do to decorate your special event . Taking any budget you have and doing the most with it can take a little thought and pre-planning but it's worth it. Does a wedding , Mitzvah, Prom or other party need flowers and/or balloons to make the event complete? Certainly...