April is Stress Awareness Month

Did you know April is Stress Awareness Month? Finding healthy ways to deal with everyday stress is key to a happier and healthier lifestyle. Here are some ideas on how to reduce stress and create a more balanced, enjoyable life. Take time out of the day for relaxation . Sit down and listen to some of your favorite music, read a book you have put off, or create an art project you would not normally have time for. Make time for yourself to enjoy things that bring natural joy and you will not feel so controlled by life's everyday responsibilities. Get some fresh air . Enjoy a long walk, go to a park or beach and simply take in nature's scenery. Recognize the natural beauty all around us (including fresh flowers!) Indulge in meditation, yoga or a massage . Balancing your physical health through meditation or yoga is a great way to centralize your mind and body. If you have time, book a massage and while you get rid of th...