What is a Grave Blanket?

Never heard of a Grave Blanket? Don't worry, your probably aren't alone. Here in the north east is customary to have a lovely "blanket" made from ever greens and winter accents to be placed on the grave of a loved one. It's just a nice remembrance during the holiday season to make the graveside look a bit more decorated and festive. According to Ask.com "A Grave blankets are a type of flower design that is used to decorate graves. They are made in a variety of sizes and styles, for example, standard, cascading, traditional, and double wide. Each of these styles has a specific design and flower capacity . I chucked when I read that because we make all of our Grave Blankets custom for each customer and no two ever look exactly the same. The folks who order them from us are looking for something lush and beautiful with many holiday and winter accents like this one that has golden lotus pods, ilex winter berry, glittered pine cones, red velvet rib...