Cake Floral Design Class

Not to be confused with baking a cake this month we hosted another Floral Design Class where we made a cake out of fresh flowers! The class this time was small but mighty and we had a great time, as usual! Because the Flower Cake concept as a class was mine, I agree to do the teaching this time. Actually it was to give Alanna and break and Holly was under the weather but as you can see from my demo piece above, I did an OK job, even if I am a bit rusty in the design area. As per usual I began getting the food ready ~ just light snacks this time; cheese and crackers, sausage, trail mix, potato chips along with red and white wine. All items beside the wine are actually sold at the shop and used in our gourmet basket creations. Next I set up each design area for each student. We used flower cake forms as the form, although we did not use them wet. Our concept was to teach them to use the base as something they could use over and over,while switching out th...