Our Next Class - Terrarium Building Take 2

We had so much fun with our first Terrarium Making Class that we have scheduled a second one for September 12 - from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm at our Princeton Store in Forrestal Village. What's it all about? Well you get to mingle with fun folks, drink wine, eat delicious local cheese from Tre Piani Restaurant and then make your very own Terrarium to bring home. With lots of elements to choose from you get to customize it to your home colors and decor. At a cost of $75, you'll agree, it's a great deal for a night of fun. Ask customer Martha (above) who not only had a blast but made new friends (apparently her and Jean were having lunch the following week). Past Mother of the Groom Jacquie (behind Martha) brought her friend and they seemed to enjoy themselves! Many of this months participant signed up for our Wreath making class to be held on October 3 here at the Princeton store. The Terrarium class only has 12 spaces so reserve your spot early. The wreath making cla...