
Showing posts with the label getting what you want

Are Your Vendors Motivated to Help You....

Are your vendors motivated to help you and why you should care.... Let's start with the definition of Motivation. Simple Definition of  motivation :  the act or process of giving someone a reason for doing something : the act or process of motivating someone :  the condition of being eager to act or work : the condition of being motivated :  a force or influence that causes someone to do something Wondering what this has to do with a Florist & you? If you are planning a wedding or other social or business event, this may be the most important blog you will read. Yes, I'm that confident in the content of what I'm about to say so here we go... Let's back step a bit & talk about you? Do you hold a job? Do you report to a boss? Thinking about your work environment, what do you like about your job? Perhaps you love your coworkers. Maybe you love your boss (yes it's possible). How about the customers or clients you serve? I'm gues...

Ordering Flowers ~ Don't Use Wiggle Words

Right off the bat, I'm going to say that I don't remember who shared the concept of Wiggle Words with me (so I can't give them credit) but this term changed my life! Dramatic? Yes but it truly changed how I communicate. What is a Wiggle Word? A wiggle word is any word that fails to describe. Still confused? In the flower business we hear wiggle words all the time. Customer: "Hello, I'd like to send flowers. Can you make me nice arrangement ?" What does nice mean? What is nice to one person could be not nice to another. Nice, beautiful, pretty ~ all are wiggle words that don't really tell us what you'd like. We love when our customer express themselves! Now taking this from the other side "Yes, we'd be happy to create a nice arrangement for you, how about if we create a very colorful mixture of Spring Flowers "? They might have something else in mind but at least I'm responding with a response that is a bit more descriptive. ...