The Holiday Event!

Well, this years Holiday Event held here at the Princeton Forrestal Village this past Saturday was a huge success! I'm not sure of the exact numbers but it was in the thousands. Everything was free again - cider, hot chocolate, carolers, ballet dancers performing the Nutcracker, carriage rides, balloon animals, crafts for the kids, clowns, pictures with Santa and strolling characters. The night was fairly mild and all the stars were out. These funny guys were so much fun! The kids loved them! The horses were a huge hit again and the lines were long but people patiently waited their turn! We gave out over 600 free helium balloons! Sheryl had a constant line of children and I literally stood blowing up balloons for 2 and half hours!! Our shop was decked out for the holiday. We had a free wine tasting, a drawing for a huge gourmet basket and surprise discounts for our customers! Customers were snatching up plants, ornaments and wreaths. We even saw a few of our regular ...