It's Official...

Ok, so it absolutely has nothing to do with my business or flowers in anyway but I went to my first NFL football game yesterday. Go Giants! Why is this so monumental? Well, in case you don't know me well enough, I'm a workaholic. Ok, I said it. I, Georgianne work too much. In an attempt to go out and have some fun, I went to a football game. My brother called mid week and offered up his two season tickets because he could not go. My husband looked at me eagerly and at first I responded, "why don't you go with your brother or my cousin" but then I saw the look on his face. He wanted to go with me. Will wonders never cease? He wanted to spend the day with me at a football game and dagnabit, I was going. As I walked through the parking lot looking at all those people tailgating and even those RV's painted in blue with the Giants logos splashed across them, I wondered how strange this all was. They seemed to be having fun and this was completely social, no work...