Three Things About Me...

There are three main things you may not know about me. Number 1, I'm extremely goal oriented. Number 2, I'm competitive but not with others and Number 3, I love working. Ok, let's take these one at a time to get to why I'm writing this blog. What does it mean to be goal oriented? To me, it's having purpose, knowing where you want to go and taking the steps to get there. It can be as simple as "I want to leave work, go home and get some laundry done". By the time I get home, I might not feel like doing it but I know it was my goal to do it and sometimes you have to do things you don't feel like doing. Anyone that knows me, knows that once I set a goal, I'm very hard to derail from getting whatever it is done and accomplished. Sometimes the goals are long term and sometimes short term but they are there and I could not live without them! The next one, I'm competitive, but not with others. I've never liked being in situations where someone...