Halloween Fun

I know Halloween is over but I had to share. We had our annual Halloween Costume contest at the shop and once again I was amazed by the creativity of my staff. Not only did many of them create fun costumes but a special kudos goes out to David, Sheryl and Kyle who went out and delivered (set up a wedding, in fact) fully dressed!! Too funny!! Pictured here is David (as a Stock Broker - notice the Plan B noose around his neck), Kevin the Beer Can, Heena the magician, Dianne the scary pirate, Yarrow and Dena the fallen angels, Sheryl the Vampira and Kyle the scary Jester (and no he did not deliver wearing that mask, that would be crazy). Funniest costume went to David, most creative was shared by Yarrow and Sheryl and the most like the person prize went to Kyle. Kyle, no offense, you are not scary but you are funny and so to us you are our lovable court jester! This year we also tried to spread some Halloween cheer to some local nursing homes. Our staff made and delivered some cute mug...