
Showing posts with the label princeton shop

Alanna's New Arrivals ~ she shares her favorites with Alex

Many of our regular blog readers should be familiar with our fabulous and energetic customer care coordinator Alanna! Today I caught her with a free moment and noticing how many new items we have in stock decided to pick her brain about some fresh favorites! We had a fun "Christmas In July" event last month and showcased some of the awesome new Holiday items we have; one of Alanna's top picks was this unique take on an Advent calendar/Christmas count down! The blackboard in the middle allows you and your family to track the days until "Santa comes," and the best part is, since you write in the number of days yourself you can start tracking Santa's arrival ASAP! Woo! Just because I mentioned Christmas doesn't mean it's time to lament the end of summer just yet! Alanna loved this playful and summery yellow checkered handbag and so do I! It's the perfect gift for that special someone in your life with a sunny disposition (maybe you perhaps?) and ...