Happy Flowers in Washington DC

Happy Spring! Ok, I'm early because Spring is still a few days away but look at this amazing cherry blossom tree from our recent trip down to Washington, DC. Kevin and I went to attend the Society of American Florist Spring Volunteer meetings and with one whole day to explore, look what I found. High up on a tree, just outside the Air and Space Museum stood this one branch on this one tree and it was actually blooming! Wow, what a treat and I have to say it caused quite a stir with my floral friends who all wanted to know where I found this gorgeous blooming masterpiece! Soon after witnessing that amazing sight, we ventured into the Botanic Gardens right next door. Talk about going from one extreme to the other - from Air Craft and Space Modules to these amazing gardens. Don't you just love the blue of the water fountain with pink of the orchids and azaleas? Can't you just close your eyes, take a deep breath and imagine the smell of this wonderful place? Smell-a-computer......