The Perfect Back to School Plant ~ Jade

It's that time of year when we pack up the mini van and drive the kids of to those dreary college dorms. Want to send them with something organic and easy to care for? Then a Jade plant is for you. The plants are fairly resilient and easy to grow. Jade Plant CARE Allow to dry between waterings, keeping the soil moderately dry. If shedding or brown spots occur on the leaves, however, it is an indication the plant needs more water. During the winter months you can water less, but do not let it over-dry. That's it, this easy to care for plant does well on a sunny windowsill and requires so little water that a tiny cup once a week does the trick. Transplant into a large pot as it grows. Jade plants can grow to a height of 24 inches when indoors. They have a shrub-like form with thick branches and smooth, oval-shaped leaves. We currently have many to choose from starting at only $9.99 each. Why not stop in and pick one u...