
Showing posts with the label poinsettia care

How to Care for Your Poinsettia

We don't sell as many of these pretty plants as we used to but they still make a great gift option and they are easier to take care of than you may think!  Tip of the Day: Looking after a Poinsettia Position the plant in good light away from direct sunlight and draughts.  Poinsettias originate from warmer climates than our area, so avoid temperatures below 55F.  Over watering will quickly damage the plant. Wait until the surface of the compost begins to dry out, then water thoroughly.  It's as easy as that so get out and get those Poinsettias for your home or office!

Poinsettias as Gifts

Every year Kevin and I sit down to make up our holiday gift list for our own customers. Talk about a long list, as we are lucky enough to have many wonderful customers! This year we decided to do a combination of chocolates and poinsettias. I love to have fun with our corporate gifts as a way of showing our clients some new and unusual things. Of course red poinsettias area always popular but this year we sent out some white ones, like this one and also some Cinnamon colored ones that were almost a copper color. What raves reviews we received too! We also have done in the past large red poinsettia trees and once again, folks really loved getting them. The biggest compliment we get to a gift is when someone calls to thank us and then asks us to send the same thing to their client. The holidays are a busy time for us, but we really do try to take the time to show our customers how much we appreciate their business!! Tis the Season!!

The Lovely Poinsettia.

Maybe it's just me but it's not Christmas until the lovely poinsettia's arrive. Just before Thanksgiving we start bringing in these colorful plants and all through out December they arrive, get displayed and then get sold. The shop looks so empty when they are all gone and it's so sad!! I thought it might be helpful to post some Do's and Don't for poinsettia care. Thanks to the Paul Ecke Ranch for providing me with this information!! The Do's and Don'ts of Poinsettia Care DO place your plant in indirect sunlight for at least six hours per day. If direct sun can't be avoided, diffuse the light with a shade or sheer curtain. DO provide room temperatures between 68 - 70° F. Generally speaking, if you are comfortable, so is your poinsettia. DO water your plant when the soil feels dry to the touch. DO use a large, roomy shopping bag to protect your plant when transporting it. DON'T place plants near cold drafts or excessive heat. Av...