How Sweet It Is!

We are super excited for our next in-store event, a cupcake tasting and photography lesson! Join us for a night out and indulge in (alcohol infused!!) cupcakes, paired with dessert wines and refreshments. Sweetly Spirited Cupcakes will be here with us in the shop to offer a variety of cupcake flavors to treat your palate to! Don't they look amazing?! They taste that good too! Along with amazing treats and a night out with local ladies, professional photographer Deirdre Ryan will be here to teach how to take great close-ups with your camera and photos in general. Our in-store events have become an great chance to learn a little something, get out for a night and meet new people. Visit our website to sign up online today and see other upcoming in-store events, or call the shop at 609-520-2005.