Now That's a Flower!

Wow, imagine seeing these beauties growing in a field? What are they, you ask? These are a Lily that bloom in a vibrant orange. Each stem has 3 to 5 flowers on each stem that will measure a full 4 or 5 inches across. This particular variety is named "Bursa" and it's a newer variety here at our store. They are available year round and are grown in Mexico. As floral designers we love creating arrangements with lilies of all sizes and colors. Lilies are commercially available in 4 major types, Asiatic, Oriental Hybrids, LA Hybrids (Longiflorum X Asiatic and Longiflorum (Easter Lilies). These Bursa Lilies are long lasting La Hybrid. They have almost no fragrance (compared to their "cousin" lily the Oriental Hybrid) and bloom from bottom to top. They do put off a bit of pollen so be sure to remove them as they open being they can stain your hands, clothing, etc. Lilies come in Yellow, Orange, Pink , Red, White and even 2 tones! To s...