Guest Blog by J Schwanke - The Flower Expert!

Are you “Saying it with Flowers?” Hey there! I’m J and they call me the “Flower Expert”! On ABC Television I’m known as the “Flower Guru” and I host the world’s first internet weekly web TV show about flower apply named “ Fun with Flowers with J ”. My industry refers to me as “the Most Trusted Voice in the Flower Industry”. :o) Monday Morning Flower’s Georgianne and I became fast friends at a seminar I was giving in Heightstown, NJ. I love her energy and enthusiasm for helping her fans “say it with flowers” whether it’s for Valentine’s day, prom, happy weekend or BOY do I LOVE YOU!!! No matter how you break it down, I love everything about flowers. Nothing (and I do mean NOTHING!!!) allows us to share our emotions better than flowers. It’s impossible to “RUIN” someone’s day with flowers although it is possible to select the wrong flower. Consider the gentleman who sent his wife a cactus to repair their “prickly” relations…well, you ...