In Town Out of Town - Same Price Through a Local Florist

We'll it's finally happened. We have done away with the service fee associated with sending flowers outside our own delivery. Using our affiliate of local flower shops in the Teleflora and/or FTD wire services, we can not only send flowers anywhere in the USA but now it does not cost you anything additional to do so. And remember, we are a local florist, sending to a local florist - There is no middleman!! Why is this a big deal? Because we want to be your local florist and years ago, before what our industry calls "order gatherers" came into existence our customers trusted us to send their orders both near and far. Those days changed forever with the invention of businesses who were not in the business of creating and delivering flower arrangements. Their sole business is to "gather" the order and "relay" them to local florists who were responsible for creating and delivery the flowers. What this effectively did was "cut out" the local ...