It's $5 Flower Friday!

Last weeks $5 Flower Friday was a huge hit and we sold just over 50 bouquets of fresh roses. Today's special flower deal are these vibrant and colorful Asiatic Lilies and they are sure to be a hit with our local customers as well. Did you know that Asiatic Lilies mostly have no fragrance and many have 3 to 5 big blooms. As one bloom dies off, the next one opens continuing all the way up the stem. What we love about them is they come in such vibrant colors - yellow, pink, orange and white and can give 2 weeks of viewing pleasure. To buy one of these beauties today, visit our shop at the Princeton Forrestal Village in Princeton/Plainsboro, NJ or at 45 E. Afton Avenue, Yardley, PA. Have a great weekend all!