White Cascade Bouquet

We love the traditional look of this classic cascade and if our likes and comments on our facebook page are any indication, this bouquet seems to hit a high note with folks. Our Bride Laura sure seemed to love it when it arrived! Check out our video below to see how to correctly hold your Cascade Bridal Bouquet. White tea and baby roses, delicate stephanotis blooms and accents of babies breath along with ivy trails create an elegant cascade. This is me holding the bouquet and I can tell you that it was both easy to hold and not as heavy as you might think. Honestly, out of 100 weddings we do each year, we only create 2 or 3 cascase each year (we have another we are creating next weekend for our bride Sarah) and when we do, it's really a big deal around here. I love that his bouquet is so clean, classic and all white . In this case, the color being the same as her gown will make this bouquet an accessory for her, rather than a distraction. What do you think about ...