Plants at Work Equals 12% Less Stress

I could not agree more! A few plants in the workplace mean 12% less stress according to NPR. Studies show that folks think more creatively when surround with flowers and plants. Perfect timing for me to share our new plant section at the Princeton Store. Just this week Designer Alexis and I re-organized the store to allow us to display a wider selection of plan t material for home and office. In addition to tropical plants in all sizes we now carry succulents, air plants, blooming plants, money trees, lucky bamboo, orchids, hanging baskets and floor sized plants .We're also now carry accessories such as hanging globes, feeders and even accessories such as terrarium containers, mosses and stones to allow folks to make their own planters at home. Not up for creating your own planter or terrarium. No worries, we can do it for you in your vase or ours! Remember, having plants in the office lowers your stress by 12%