
Showing posts with the label marketing

Times, They Sure Do Change.

My employee Sheryl just instant messaged me while I was upstairs working in my office to let me know that we have had many Internet orders come through today. It got me to thinking, first off, I have an office. That's a big change because up until 4 years ago I had a counter in the shop as my desk. I really love my office and I'm liking that change!! Second, she was instant messaging me. A mere 10 years ago I would have not even known what that was, let alone have computers both in the shop and up in the office to use in such a fashion . It's great because my staff down in the shop can send me a quick message, keeping me updated or asking me a question without tying up a phone line or costing me for the call. Loving that change also! Third, Internet marketing... who knew what that even was a few short years ago. Now it's one of the best ways for me to exchange information with my customer, keep them updated, alert them to specials and treat them to freebies. I've on...