
Look Them in the Eye

Every now and then, in the middle of a busy, stressful, yet rewarding work week you have to step back and look around you. It's so easy to get caught up in the day to day stuff that you forget to look people in the eye, to really see those around you. I notice that sometimes when I'm working with a customer, I can get so caught up in getting their flowers or ringing up their sale, that I forget to look at them. You know, make long, meaningful eye contact. I notice that as outgoing as I am, I can sometimes be shy. It seems so intimate to make eye contact that I look here and there but not always directly at them. It's a habit I'm looking to break because the act goes both ways. They can't see the real me until I not only show them the smile in my voice but also the smile in my eyes. So, what brought me to this blog today? I was sitting here at my desk, trying to get hyped up to start working on some wedding proposals, which are sometimes the equivalent of homework fo

Monday Morning Flowers Featured as a Case Study

The publishers of "How to Open and Operate a Successful Florist and Floral Business Both Online and Off" have included our shop in their latest edition. A case study that includes both my personal background and my shop history are predominately featured. I am really honored to have been asked to participate! I've always had a great love of both the creative and business side of running a flower shop and being interviewed for this book allowed me to show both sides. It's always fun to talk about my business from a positve as well as realistic point of view. Self-employment can be very rewarding but many people considering starting their own business are not always prepared for the amount of time, money and dedication needed to succeed. For anyone out there interested in the Floral Field, the book is chock full of wonderful information and can be found on-line at and at many other book sellers.

Helping However You Can, Even Little Things Mean A Lot

Times are tough, or so they say, but it always feels good to donate your time and/or money whenever possible. As a small business person I try to take advantage of any little angle that I might have to help others. Sometimes it's just donating some flowers to the "Exchange Club" or sending a little money to "Operation Smile" or even giving a basket to be raffled off by the "Girl Scouts" or a local nursing home. It's not big, it's not Earth shattering, but I'm a big believer in the saying "every little bit helps". This brings to mind the kind letter presented to me by our employee Chuck Moscarello. Each year Chuck takes a week off from work here at the flower shop to drive down to Preston County, West Virginia along with dozens of teenagers from the Gregorian Youth Ministry. Once there, these kids and their adult organizers provide help to some of the local towns people with various building projects or repairs. Apparently this are

Fresh Flower Choices

Today I was skimming through my Floral Management magazine and low and behold I spot an article singing the praises of one of my favorite flowers. The article talked about the variety of colors these wonderful flowers come in from dark, almost black blue-purple to mango hues with gold tips. Solid lime green and a yellow/pink bi color, not to mention dark, magenta purples. Wow, these flowers amaze me. They smell like heaven, they last for weeks in fresh clean water and the colors! How many flower varieties do you know that come in that kind of palate? Well, they are truly heavenly. I guess you are wondering what flower I am speaking of.... I speak of the lowly, misunderstood carnation. That's right, the carnation . Haven't we all be guilty of saying "make me a nice arrangement, but no carnations, please"? Well, perhaps the time has come to cut those words "No Carnations" from our floral vocabulary. Carnations, carnations, I want to sing their praise

A Day at the Ballpark!

Well, it was another successful event at the Trenton Thunder Ballpark where our staff, family and friends helped to give out 1,200 free roses to attendees. It's always so gratifying to meet the fans, many of whom are our customers. I had no less than 10 people come up to me and tell me about their connection with our flower shops! Our very own driver Allan and his lovely wife Diane. Charlie, the husband of Designer Dianne Legg helps to hand out the roses. There's nothing like putting family to work!! Our Sales Associate Sheryl and Designer Dena along with new driver Kyle and Dena's friend Orla help to hand out roses! It was a great night and fun was had by all!

Happy Brides and More for 2008/2009

A quick kudos goes out to my staff for the fabulous work that has been done during the month of July. We've successfully delivered 12 weddings this month. In addition to various vacations being taken, myself included, along with a shipment of faulty glass towers, no major disasters were had that could not be diverted! No easy feat considering that July can be hot and unforgiving for flowers. Numerous thank you notes, e-mails and phone calls have come in and the word is that our brides appreciated our great service and gorgeous product. Exactly as they expected and on time! I continue to meet with new brides almost daily and as of today's count we have 85 weddings booked for 2008. Early bookings into 2009 are also going strong and it is gratifying to hear how brides find us. Between hotels and banquet halls, caterers and word of mouth, weddings appear to be our companies strength. What lies ahead for 2009? A concentration on weddings, of course, but balloon event work appears to

Doing Our Part....

Everybody knows that plants in the home and office make for a healthy environment so we here at Monday Morning Flowers are doing our part to make plants more affordable. Just about everyone has a plant that is just a bit past it's prime, right? Maybe you forgot to water it or it wasn't the right plant for that sunny window. Well, now is your chance to exchange it in for a fresh, new, lively plant. Announcing our "Plant Exchange" program! Bring in any less than perfect plant for 25% off any new plant in our shops. We have a wide selection of easy to care for plants such as peace lilies, bromeliads, pothos, ferns, crotons, ivy, money trees and even a large assortment of dish gardens. Let us help you "Go Green"! We hope to see you soon!