
Make Fear Your Friend - The Countdown to Christmas

Earlier today, home from work at a reasonable hour, I decided it would be nice to take a hot bath. The next few days leading up to Christmas will be long and crazy working at the flower shops so relaxing for an hour, soaking in a tub, soothing my tired feet, sounded like heaven. As my husband prepared to relax and watch some football, I mentioned my idea to take a bath and catch up on some magazines, including the latest issue of Fortune Small Business. He was quick to say, "make sure you read something fun" as I peddled off upstairs. I laughed to myself at his comment because to me reading Small Business Fortune is relaxing compared to the Floral Management, Retail Florist, Florist Review, Flowers& and Floral Finance magazines that I read monthly. Compared to how work related those are, Small Business is as down right non-work related as it can get. Anyway, I had been wanting to read the cover story in the December/January issue titled "Make Fear Your Friend" b...

Give and You Shall Receive

Just the other day a woman called the shop asking if we had foil, you know, the kind you use to wrap the bottom of a plant, in this case, a few poinsettias that she had. Believe it or not, we do use foil but not as often as you might think and so I told her that although I did not have a whole roll I could sell her, I'd be happy to have some sheets cut for her to pick up. When she asked me how much that would cost, I did my usual "I don't need any money, just remember us the next time time you need flowers". I've been doing that kind of thing for so many years, that I sometimes forget the response it gives people. I usually notice the affects when a new employee says, "You don't want me to charge for that"? They seem so surprised but I do this quite often, whenever a customer needs something that's just plain simple or small. I mean, if I have to charge for 12" of curling ribbon or a block of oasis when someone runs into the shop in a bind,...

Weddings in March?

So, what is up with this new trend of weddings in March? Back in the day (well, a few years back, at least) we might have one wedding during the whole month of March and this year we have 5 already I am expecting more! I'm not complaining, I love it but what gives? For that matter, I have quite a few in January and also in February as well. This new trend is wonderful. My designers are doing little floral happy dances because apparently there will not be the usual void of "No Weddings" from January to March again this year. I suspect it's the economy and reception sites giving nice deals. To be truthful, I think these winter weddings turn out nicely. The weather where we are in New Jersey and Pennsylvania rarely has a glut of snowfall so having a nice winter wedding is a wonderful idea. Brides and grooms that pick locations that can easily accommodate their ceremony and reception along with overnight rooms for guests seems to be a great choice! Some of our January loc...

Did Someone Say Contest?

Honestly, I'm not much of a contest person myself but when it comes to doing fun things to get your business noticed, especially during these economic times, there's nothing like a contest to shake things up. I've been told that there are people out there that will join a contest like they cheer for their favorite sports teams and that seems to be true! Anyway, our designer Dena came up with an idea to have a contest asking people to submit pictures that show their holiday spirit. There are three different categories in all and each one has it's own prize. It's still early in the game but the most popular category by far is the "Dress Your Pet for the Holidays". I'm not surprised that this category has the most pictures flooding in because quite frankly, it's still early enough in December that people don't quite have their homes decorated but by golly, they can dress up Fido in a flash!! These adorable pets have been melting our hearts and ma...

Ho, Ho, Ho or Ha, Ha, Ha

Well, the big event at Forrestal Village is happening as I write this.!! There's nothing like Florists dressed up like little Elfs. Our very own Sheryl and Yarrow pose with some small guests who stopped by for some free balloons. Designer Dianne makes some last minute floral arrangements for delivery tomorrow. Doesn't the hat look fabulous? Thank goodness I'm on this side of the camera! The weather is really cooperating, it cold but clear and the horse-hayride has throngs of people lining up outside our shop. Hot cider and hot chocolate along with visits with Santa and an excerpt from the Nutcracker Ballet make for a fun filled day for the kids. Free wine at our flower shop, make for fun for adults!! Before I sign off, let me just remind everyone to stop and smell the flowers and don't forget to be kind. The holidays can be stressful but remember to slow down, enjoy the moment and be respectful of those around you. Happy Shopping and Happy Holidays!! http://www.sending...

Thanksgiving Savings!!

Don't know what to send for Thanksgiving? Check out our selections at ! Don't want to send flowers? How about a pretty mum plant or dish garden. Plants always make a nice gift and help to bring the outdoors in. What about sending a snack basket? Goodie Baskets are perfect gifts for those who eat out for the holiday (no left overs, oh no) or have small children in the house. Whether you shop us online or phone, receive 10% off by using promotion code NOVEMBER. Shop us online or call us at 215-493-1400 or 609-520-2005. Let us help you send them a smile!! Our sincerest wishes for a warm, healthy, happy thanksgiving from all of us at Monday Morning Flower and Balloon Co.!

Family Time and the Holidays

Family Time. What is that exactly? I know most people think in terms of mothers spending time with daughters, fathers with sons, brothers and sisters getting together, the whole shebang but to me Family Time means spending time with people who are important to me. You hear a lot about Family Time during the holidays and those of us with shrinking or small families, it can make us feel a bit like an orphan. Anyone who has read my past blogs knows that I find most holidays to be stressful and sad. I've tried to figure out why that is and I guess it comes down to the fact that a lot of the people in my life that were important to me are no longer living but it's more than that. With down time so hard to come by combined with proximity being an issue, it seems like it gets harder and harder to spend time with the people that I care about. Then comes the pressure of trying to find time to see all these important people during the holidays, it's enough to make any florist weep. L...