The Power of Flowers and My Retirement

Wow, I can't believe how long it's been since I wrote on a subject for this blog. For those that don't know,
my husband and I have closed our shop and retired! I'd like to say that I miss running the shop but for almost 8 months now we have been thoroughly enjoying having time to our selves to putter around the house, travel, meet up with friends and just be ourselves. 

So what has inspired me to write again? Well, I'm in the process of writing a book!! Yes, it's a book about which I feel highly qualified to write and the topic is "How to Choose a Wedding Florist". After years of helping hundreds if not thousands of couples plan their wedding flowers, I'm putting together an eBook that will help them choose a florist, save time, money and frustration. I'm taking all the things I learned as well as all the things I saw my couples do both wrong and right and sharing them with others. 

The book is almost done but I'm currently writing a chapter about the "Feeling of Flowers" and it got me to thinking what powerful feeling invokers flowers are. I know this blog was all about everything we did at the shop for those 34 years and nothing was more important than how flowers made our clients feel. How did someone feel receiving flowers? How did the sender feel about giving flowers as a gift? How did couple choose their flowers for their wedding? Did they try to please themselves or please their guests? 

There isn't much I miss about the day to day of running a flower shop but thing I do miss is being near

those gorgeous blooms. Just seeing them everyday made my life better. I still consider myself lucky to have been in a career that not only provided a livelihood for my husband and I, but made so many people happy. I could share story after story of how flowers changed lives and brightened the world of our clients. 

In the future, I might be inspired to write more entries in this journal but if you'd like to take a peek at my life now feel free to jump over and follow my new blog "The Retired Florist". I'll also be sure to share a link to my book when it becomes available on Amazon. Have a great day everyone! 


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