6 Reasons to Shop Small This Holiday Season


Are you Shopping Small this Holiday Season?

Georgianne Vinicombe
3 minute read

Are you Shopping Small this holiday season? With so many more small business having great websites and offering both curbside pick up and delivery, your options for holiday shopping have exploded in 2020. Here at our shop we've always offered delivery ~ we are a florist, of course and that's what florists have been doing for over 100 years! As soon at the car was invented flower shops started delivering. ðŸ˜‰

Bring on 2020 and the pandemic and more businesses than ever are offering delivery. Are you shopping small this holiday season? If you haven't thought about it I'd love to give you some reasons why you should support your small independent  retailers this holiday season. 

  1. Small Businesses give back more to your local community. We you buy from a local business, you are supporting your town. Business pay sales tax and when you shop big box business elsewhere that money doesn't benefit your community at all. The tax money is used to support schools, parks, roads, sidewalks as well as funding local public service workers such as police and fire. According to the Civic Economics - "on average, 48% of each purchase at a local shop is recirculated locally compared to less than 14% if you purchase at a chain store. Wow, that's pretty powerful stuff!!
  2. Small Business make a more major economic impact ~ more than half of the U.S. Jobs since 1995 were created by a small business. And according to the SBA, since 1990, big business have eliminated 4 million jobs, while small businesses have added 8 million jobs. Wow!! The more you shop at a local store, the more potential job opportunities you could help them to provide. See, you did not know you held that much power, did you?
  3. Small businesses provide better customer service. As a small business owner I believe this to be true. I could give examples of walking through a large chain store looking for help and finding none but I believe that you should never down another business in order to make your appear better. When you walk in to my store or call us on the phone, you are greeting by an employee who gives you their undivided attention. Enough said on that front. 
  4. Small businesses provide greater access to product diversity. As a small business owner myself, I know this is true. I can buy from large manufacturers or tiny small makers. I have one source that I can buy from that has over 50,000  manufacturers. How's that for diversity? 
  5. Small businesses create a sense of community. The younger generations coming up are looking to feel connected. Although many love their favorite chains, many want to buy in places where they can feel like they are a part of something special. You can only get this type of connection in a small business that has a steady work force. You don't get that feel from a larger business who is always changing staff, changing staff hours and moving employees around. 
  6. You'll fee good about shopping independent. Don't you want to do something, even when shopping, that makes a difference? Shopping small makes a difference. You've probably seen Facebook posts that say "when you shop small you are supporting an American dream" but it's true. You really are. 

Are you shopping small this holiday season?

We invite you shop with us either in store or online. We have 2 easy to use website to help serve your better www.sendingsmiles.com and www.princetongifts.com - Can't decide on a gift or something for yourself? Our staff are here to help you - 609-520-2005. 

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