It's always an honor to be included in an industry magazine and that's exactly what happened in the April/May issue of Floral Management magazine.
Our shop was shown in all it's glory in a column called Shop Snapshot. I think it's looking rather amazing if I do say so myself!!
Our Lead Designer Alanna even made the Employee Spotlight where she talks about her love for the industry, what it's like working at Monday Morning Flowers and where she sees the future of floral shops going. She's always saying she wants to be famous so I think is a pretty good start. Congratulations Alanna on some fabulous coverage!

Lastly there was some coverage of yours truly. Yikes - bad hair day for sure! In case you were wondering, the whole cover story is not about MMF, it features many other great florists such as Timpton & Hurst, Memorial Florists & Greenhouses and Gallo & Son's Florist
And of course, we can't forget Kevin!
And here are a few shots that did not make the magazine!
Just a few of our staff in a group shot.
Alanna, myself and Kevin strike a pose.
Kevin and his hard working drivers - Jeff and George. Did you know that Jeff does all of the graphic arts here at the shop? Well, there you have it, our 15 minutes of fame!!