A Weekend of Weddings

Yes, I admit we had 7 weddings this past weekend ~ 2 on Friday, 2 on Saturday and 3 on Sunday but goodness, they all came out so pretty. Take this place card table below for a pink themed wedding at Nassau Inn. I really loved the simple but elegant look of the silver branches on some of the tables and the soft romantic pink roses and hydrangeas on others. Bride Rebecca was very pleased! Now moving on to vibrant and dramatic wedding colors, like those done for bride Jean and her new hubby at Grounds for Sculpture . It was chilly outside but these colors warmed it right up, don't you agree? Moving on to the reception, the tables were filled with many, many mercury glass vases filled lushly with roses in shades of orange and hot pink. So vibrant and alive. The place cards are my personal favorite; each card had a tiny clothes pin and were clipped to a single rose . Isn't that clever? If you think so, I'll take credit fo...