Homefront and the Good They Do

Fast forward to 2012 and my "visit" with Connie to Homefront this past Monday, I can't tell you how impressed I am with the amazing organization she has built. Touring the facility on Princeton Avenue inTrenton, I could not believe the diversity of programs they have going on at one time.
When you visit their website, their mission seems to be a simple and straightforward one;
- "We provide each family what they need most. First is always a place to call home. Then groceries, job skills, childcare, academic support for mom and kids — whatever it takes."
but that is just the tip of the iceberg!
On any given night, HomeFront provides shelter to 450 people, most of them children. They also provide food to hundreds every week and have a host of programs to prevent homelessness, provide affordable housing, encourage education, teach job skills and promote good child care and positive family life. Sending kids to nursery school and summer camps, job placement assistance and much more if provided day in and day out. It was just mind boggling all the things they do.
We're proud that Monday Morning Flower and Balloon Co has been able to help out Homefront. To learn more about Homefront and everything they do in Mercer County check out their website at http://www.homefrontnj.org/ and to make a donation you can follow this link http://www.homefrontnj.org/Donate-AA2011.cfm