Will You Wear a Flower?

Oh No! In the past few weeks I have met with two brides that said that their fiances don't want to wear a flower to their own wedding! I'd be lying if I did not admit that part of me said "Oh thank goodness" because as any florist will tell you, boutonnieres and corsages are very time consuming to create because they are hand crafted. But that other part of my brain - the part that is a girl, says no flower on your wedding day? How could this be? I know that weddings have gotten a bit less traditional  and sometimes a bit more casual but to not wear a flowers on that special day. As in the picture in this blog, I  thought groom David looked smashing in his mini calla boutonniere.

If you are a bride getting married how do you feel about this trend? If your groom said no flower for him, would you be upset or are you fine with it? If the groom and groomsmen are not going to  wear a flower, do you want your dad to also not wear one? I'd love to hear your thoughts so please share!!


Sprout said…
I keep having more and more moms who forgo flowers - they're not comfortable with them, they don't want any extra attention, it doesn't suit the look of their dress...

I don't push it, but flowers are so festive - it's a party, be festive!
U am seeing a lot of it too. No groomsmen flowers, not mothers corsages. BUT a huge trend in more expensive bridal bouquets and 30 -35 center pc.. Who knows about today's brides??
Anonymous said…
Our wedding was very laid back. The groom was in Dockers and a tucked in Ivory dress shirt, so were the groomsmen. They had green ties.
With the formality factor I decided a bout wouldn't be right.
Everyone else had a bout, though.
Thanks everyone for your comments!

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