It's All in the Presentation

Everyone knows that making a purchase, no matter how big or small is partly about the experience. Yes, sometimes you shop because you have to but isn't it true that you shop where you have the best experience? Ok, I'm going to get on my Florist soap box and shout my usual mantra of floralisms. Hm, is that a word? It is unclear to me at the time but on with my rant....Flower Purchases are About the Floral Experience!!

As a Florist I understand that people may be coming into my shop for fresher flowers than they might find at the Supermarket. They may be coming to us for flowers for their wedding. They may be coming in to have flowers delivered to a friend but chances are, if they are coming into my flower shop to buy flowers they are here for the Floral Experience.

What, pray tell, is that? It's the wonderful experience that they should have of coming into a clean, organized, well stocked place of beauty. They are coming in for the selection, the freshness, the customer service and last but not least, the beautiful presentation of our product. They might be buying it for themselves or for a gift, either way, when they leave our shop, they should be carrying a thing of beauty. Yes, sometimes it's about convenience but sometimes it's about the experience and by golly, my staff and I are determined to play it up to the max!


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