
Showing posts with the label plants

What's New and Cool at the Shop

 Yum, we have started getting in some new gourmet product, just in time to test it out for the holiday gourmet basket season! Believe it or not, our Corporate customers will begin ordering their holiday gift baskets before you know it.  We've been enjoying getting in a new variety of Dutch hydrangea each week and this week's is called "You and Me Together - Pink". We love the shape of the little flowers, so pretty, don't you agree?  Next week we will be having our first Terrarium class and we love making these cuties, like this one that Designer Norman made for a customer. A little wave action to look like the sea is what she requested and Norman did a fine job with it!  We've been carrying jewelry and we just got in a new line of bracelets. They are so pretty. Some have saying such as faith, kindness and love. Colorful and affordable at only $14.95.  I love the head bands, they are so cute! Perfect for when you need a touch of bling!  How cute

Need a Healthy Gift? How about a terrarium

LinkedTube Green plants not only make great gifts but they make healthy gifts. Shop Coordinator Sheryl shows off one of our many styles of Terrariums here in the store. To see this and many other plants we offer, check out our website at

Do You Care Where Your Flowers Come From?

I can tell you that if you don't care, you really should. Did you know that 80% of the flower bought in the US are grown outside the US? It's true, that means that only 20% of the flowers sold in America area grown on American soil. You might wonder why this is and it's as simple as this - consumers want low cost. But wanting everything at a low cost can be a high price to pay as we see less and less being "Made in America". As I read a view point in Floral Management Magazine written by Lane DeVries, who is the current Chairman of the California Cut Flower Commission, part of what makes flowers less costly coming from Columbia has been because of the Andean Trade Preference and Drug Eradication Act, which provided duty free access to flowers from being imported from South America. As part of the geopolitical interest of the US, through "Plan Colombia", as the federal government called it, our government has "Invested" an estimated $570 m

More Scenes from the Shop...

Yarrow works at the computer updating our websites. Did you know that in addition to our and wedding website, we have two FTD sites and a specific site for Sympathy ordering? We even have a brand new balloon event site getting ready to launch any day! Now that's lot of websites to maintain! She changes the homepages weekly, keeps photos and content fresh and updated and makes sure that there are no "breaks" in any of the links. We know how important our websites are to our customers. Great job Yarrow! If you have never tried our Hanky Panky or Choczel's you are missing out. We have customers come in just to buy a bag now and then. Yummy! This is a close up of a tropical plant called a Bromeliad. Healthy and easy to care for, this plant makes a great addition to an office or home. Over Christmas we sold over 25 of these plants. Now who says you can only send a poinsettia for the holidays! We have the cutest selections of Teddy Bears and other stuf

Doing Our Part....

Everybody knows that plants in the home and office make for a healthy environment so we here at Monday Morning Flowers are doing our part to make plants more affordable. Just about everyone has a plant that is just a bit past it's prime, right? Maybe you forgot to water it or it wasn't the right plant for that sunny window. Well, now is your chance to exchange it in for a fresh, new, lively plant. Announcing our "Plant Exchange" program! Bring in any less than perfect plant for 25% off any new plant in our shops. We have a wide selection of easy to care for plants such as peace lilies, bromeliads, pothos, ferns, crotons, ivy, money trees and even a large assortment of dish gardens. Let us help you "Go Green"! We hope to see you soon!

Flowers and Plants in the Home

I'm surrounded each and every day with beautiful flowers and green plants at work but I still enjoy having a bundle of fresh flowers at home. I ususally keep a vase of posies in my living room, another in my dining room and sometimes a small vase in my bathroom. I don't have a ton of plants but a long draping pothos perched high on a wooden plant stand in my living room and an ivy in my foyer. They really make the place feel peaceful and fresh. My husband faithfully checks them for water and adds a touch here and dash there. I guess when you think about it, it's even the routine of watering the plants, checking their foliage and admiring your green thumb that give your life purpose. It truly is the little things that can bring you the most pleasure.