Scenes from the Shop in Late June!

Late June has us creating designs for every occasion from Get Well, Birthday, Graduation and Beyond. The designers have been having fun with the designs they are making, including the arrangements in the cooler for those who need to dash in and back out! Fresh cut bouquets of mixed flowers ready for those grab and go customers in a rush. Summer candles arrived last month and are on full display, including this Sunshine in a Can candle from Aunt Sadies. Coffee Coasters - a fun gift for the coffee drinkers in your life. Who doesn't love yellow daisies , right? Coffee mugs for your favorite nurse! Gorgeous orchid plants in the shop this week! We love making plant gardens and new tropical plants just arrived. These polka dot plants are super cute and easy to care for and grown. The perfect indoor house plant. Some adorable signage ~ the joy of the Journey is in the Ride. Fresh sto...