Easter Traditions

When I was a little girl, my mother used to take great pride in her Easter Egg Tree. Actually this was our birch tree in the front yard but she would add 100's of plastic Easter Eggs in different bright colors tied on with colorful ribbon. Of course, she had me stand in front of the tree for my Easter photo in my best Easter Dress. It wasn't the Easter season in my family until Mom decorated that tree. Easter is one of my favorite times in the shop because I love plush bunnies and colorful plastic eggs. Call it tacky but it reminds me of happy childhood memories. We always had at least one Easter Lily Plant in the house too! When it comes to merchandising the store, I can't help but bring in giftware that makes me happy and this year is no exception. I especially loved these little chick salt and pepper shakers that came in this month. No Easter table is complete without them. Below is a cute egg platter, imagine deviled Easter Eggs displayed with the little chick...